Imagine meeting your crush for the first time or attending that important business meeting; everything is going smooth until you show your smile, and black tartar peeps out from it. Black plaque or tartar, also known as calculus, is a black substance on the teeth surface that does not go away without professional assistance. Black tartar is very harmful as it can be a breeding ground for bacteria, making it difficult to brush or floss, and lead to many teeth and gum diseases. But what exactly is black tartar? Let’s find out.

Plaque is an extremely sticky, colorless to pale yellow deposit of biofilm that regularly forms on your teeth. Everytime you eat or drink, there it is! Although it is extremely common, plaque on teeth needs to be cleaned and removed on a regular basis- failing which it can turn into somthing serious and damage the teeth. But before we know what causes is, let us discuss what exactly dental plaque is.

The best thing you can do for your teeth, other than regular dental appointments, is to have a good oral care routine. While it is essential to brush twice a day and even floss, your teeth need more than that. Leftover food particles and the bacteria in your mouth create a sticky coating on the surface of the teeth, known as plaque.